As part of my psychology course at UWE (University of the West of England) I was required to do a couple of days work experience for one of my modules. Unlike most of my course mates, I was more interested in consumer psychology and its application to marketing. So I decided to seek some real-world experience in this area. I was lucky enough to be given two days’ experience by Huw from On Point Copywriting in Stokes Croft, Bristol.
Wednesday morning – proof reading
My day started with an introduction to the On Point team – MD Huw and junior copywriter Dan, both of whom were very friendly and welcomed me to the office. I sat down to have a chat with Huw who talked me through some of the basics of copywriting, as well as the four core services that On Point offer. These are:
- Creative ideas and concept
- Writing
- Editing
- Proof reading
To give me as enriching an experience as possible Huw explained that he had planned to get me involved in each of these stages.
My first task of the day was to try some proof reading. And this meant having a crash course in the review features of Microsoft Word, specifically tracked changes. I learnt this is a vital tool when professionally editing and proofing.
It also involved conducting some interesting research deeper into the article. I needed to check whether references to specific events or names were spelt correctly. In one instance it was the names of three brothers – they just happened to be award-winning Arabian stallions!
Wednesday afternoon – research
Towards the end of the day, I moved onto starting some research for an article on office health and safety hazards and how to prevent them. Research and developing the structure of an article is part of the creative process. I can now say I am very well educated in health and safety. Who knew an office could be such a dangerous place?
Thursday morning – target audiences
Feeling fresh-faced and encouraged by a rare spell of January blue skies, I headed in to continue with my work on the health and safety article. I was allowed to write a first draft which the On Point team would go on to edit. In doing this I learned about the need in copywriting to understand the target audience and write an article with them in mind. This was very different to most of the writing I had done previously, the majority of which had been academic essays.
Thursday afternoon – copywriting in Stokes Croft
After lunch, I started to plan out my last task. Huw thought it would be a great idea to round off my time at On Point, by giving me something I could look back on with pride, as well as show to other people. And so, I present my final project – the blog you see before you!
All in all, I’ve really enjoyed my time at On Point Copywriting in Stokes Croft. I’ve successfully ticked off all four main services at On Point. And I’ve picked up some valuable tips on writing, editing, and proofing.
I’ve learnt a lot of valuable things, not only about the copywriting business, but writing in general. I am sure I will be able to apply these to my current work at university and in the future.
I’d like to thank both Huw and Dan for such a great experience!