Get more from your marketing with On Point’s content calendar creation service.

By creating a content calendar for Bristol-based IT Company Clearwater IT, we gave them a roadmap of what they would be publishing over six months and demonstrated that we thoroughly understood their business and target audience.

Clearwater is a Bristol-based IT support company. They reached out to On Point for assistance with blogging in 2019. And for this project, creating a content calendar was a great place to start. 

We got the ball rolling with a telephone interview in order to discover what kind of content Clearwater wanted, in addition to the desired frequency of published content and an overall impression of what they were trying to achieve.

Now, armed with all this knowledge, we got to work with scoping out some topics that would appeal to Clearwater’s target audience and provide an opportunity for them to demonstrate their expertise. The result was a clear road map of what they would be publishing over the following six months, from the period of July to December. This also gave us an opportunity to showcase our creativity and understanding of their business. 

Creating a content calendar 

Clearwater wanted their content to encourage new enquiries while providing useful tips and information to existing customers. They could also use it to increase their exposure by sharing content on social media and sending out monthly newsletters. Importantly, the content we were to create would also keep their website fresh for Google and visitors. 

They were delighted with On Point’s input at the content calendar creation stage. It reassured them that we understood their business and could set out a plan which met their requirements. 

You have nailed our content calendar. I’m very impressed, and more than happy to proceed with your suggested schedule. I think with your articles coming in regularly, we will see some real benefits with our website’s ranking.

Toby Hoare, Clearwater IT

After this, it was on to writing!

Use content calendars alongside On Point’s other copywriting services

On Point offers many other professional copywriting services that are designed to be used alongside content calendar creation to get the most out of your business. If you need help planning and structuring your content but do not know where to start, give On Point a call today.